Engage KFPL - Learn, Share Connect

Engage KFPL

Every day decisions are made that impact how library services, collections, programs and facilities are developed, designed and delivered. The input of library patrons, and other interested and affected parties, is important in helping the Library understand the perspectives, opinions and concerns of those impacted by these decisions. 

All of KFPL’s consultations are guided by our Community Engagement Policy and Toolkit. We aim to integrate community consultation into decision-making and planning at KFPL in a consistent manner that appropriately reflects the complexity, community interest and impact of KFPL decisions.

Guiding Principles


We want to hear from and include all who have an interest in the outcome of a decision.  We will provide equitable opportunity to participate.


Our engagement with the community will take place in an atmosphere of mutual respect. 


We will be open about decision processes, procedures and limits. We will communicate clearly in a timely and publicly accessible way.  We will provide relevant background and context when informing or engaging the community about the initiative.


We will be clear about defining the community’s role in any public participation process.  The promise, purpose and limitations on engaging the community and all interested parties will be clear.


We will allocate sufficient resources to provide the appropriate level of engagement, use these resources wisely, setting and meeting reasonable timelines.


At each stage of the process, we will report back to the community regarding what we heard. When an outcome has been determined, we will share how engagement results were used in decision-making. 

What You Can Do

This site was established to provide residents of Kingston Frontenac with a space to learn about and participate in KFPL projects and initiatives that are open for public input.

Here you will be able to:

  • Provide feedback on projects and initiatives that are currently open for input.
  • Learn about upcoming in-person community engagement events.
  • Find out what we heard from participants on projects and initiatives previously open for input.
  • Check the progress of ongoing projects and initiatives.
  • Discover what final decisions were made on projects and initiatives that had public involvement.

We encourage you to get involved, provide your input online or in person, and stay connected to all projects and initiatives that interest you.

Subscribe to our Engage KFPL newsletter to receive invitations to help guide KFPL’s decision-making.