The feedback gathered through the fall 2021 community survey was reviewed alongside the draft Library Facilities Plan, as well as KFPL's visitor and borrowing data, to determine how we could best use the hours we have available to provide the greatest access to library service.
Changes to hours of service were identified for nine of KFPL’s Frontenac County branches.
Draft Branch Hours Recommendations
Read the Central Frontenac report (Arden, Mountain Grove, Parham and Sharbot Lake Branches)
Read the Frontenac Islands report (Wolfe Island and Howe Island Branches)
Read the North Frontenac report (Plevna and Cloyne Branches)
Read the South Frontenac report (Sydenham, Storrington and Hartington Branches)
Engagement Events
Community engagement on the draft hours ran from Saturday, July 23 to Saturday, August 28, 2022. Public Open House events were held at each location where changes to hours were recommended to provide an opportunity for the community to review the proposed changes and share additional feedback, as well as to share comments on the draft Library Facilities Plan. Feedback could also be shared with Kimberly Sutherland Mills, Director, Service Design and Delivery by email or phone.
Community feedback was incorporated into final recommendations that were taken to the Kingston Frontenac Public Library Board in February 2023 and changes to branch hours took place in May 2023.