Our community survey closed October 31, 2021.
Branch-specific reports are now available for our Calvin Park, Central, Isabel Turner, Rideau Heights and Pittsburgh Branches, and regional reports are available for North, Central and South Frontenac and the Frontenac Islands. Reports have been emailed to participants who provided an address.
The feedback gathered through the survey will be used alongside KFPL's visitor and borrowing data to determine how we can best use the hours we have available to provide the greatest access to library service. Additional hours are not being considered at this time. Any changes to hours of operation would go into effect in 2022.
Subscribe to our Engage KFPL newsletter to receive updates on this project.
Questions about the survey or the review process can be directed to Kimberly Sutherland Mills, Director, Service Design and Delivery, at kmills@kfpl.ca or (613) 549-8888 x3520.