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Updates and News

July 18, 2017

Coming Spring 2018!

​We're not wishing the summer away, but we are looking forward to the re-opening of the Central Branch in the Spring of 2018. Here is the architects' rendering of the exterior of the building after the renovations are complete.

Some of the changes include the relocation of the entrance closer to Bagot Street with a new set of stairs, new landscaping with bench seating along Johnson Street and around the corner on Bagot Street and improved bicycle parking.


June 22, 2017

Staircase Removed!

The first two photos show the main staircase removed. With the relocation of the main entrance to the other side of the elevator, where the Friends of the Library book sale used to be, the stair had to be reconfigured and reoriented. 

The bottom photo shows the steel framing started for the new washrooms.  The third photo was taken from where the mystery and fiction collections were, looking east toward the elevator and entrance. 

stairs removal

central with no stairs

central branch

June 8, 2017

Construction Update

The bulk of the demolition is now complete outside, except for the original stairs that were under the ramp on the east side of the building. Work has moved inside for the next couple of weeks. While some interior demolition is continuing, installation of new duct work and pipes is underway.

central exterior

May 24, 2017

Friends of the Library Book Sale

Yes, the Friends of the Library will have space in the renovated Central Branch! They will be operating their own retail space on the first floor. Have some ideas for literary merchandise or accessories you'd like to see in their shop? Get in touch by email at friends@kfpl.ca or follow them on Twitter or Facebook.  

Want to become a Friend or learn more about what they do? Visit our website or drop by their booth at our Sherlocked! Victorian Exhibition at City Hall on Saturday May 27. 

The book sale at the Isabel Turner Branch is restocked and refreshed regularly. Drop by to get some great used books or a book bag and support your public library at the same time!

May 12, 2017

Demolition Continues!

Demolition work continues this week at the Central Branch! 

central demolition

Third floor drywall removed between offices (above).

central demolition

Drywall demolition underway in the Delahaye Room on the third floor.

Any materials containing abestos are bagged and removed for proper disposal. All other materials are being sorted for recycling, reuse or disposal as appropriate.
